Sunday, April 11, 2010

list of things I want to do in life

1. visit the pyramids of gizah
2. attend a Mariah Cary concert
3. own a cat
4. live in an apt. with a fire escape
5. dye my hair red
6. smoke a blunt in Jamaica
7. throw myself a birthday bash
8. learn to play the piano
9. learn to sing 1 song very well
10. buy a house
11. grow a secret garden
12. donate hair to locks of love
13. partake in a breast cancer awareness marathon
14. have Mom present at birth of first child
15. sell a piece of art between $10 - $99
16. sell a piece of art for over $100
17. squash grapes with feet and make wine
18. make Manny graham cracker fluff
19. visit Grandma Moses at her grave
20. visit every US state
21. (sensored)
22. Christmas carol with my husband
23. ride a scooter in Italy
24. make a scrapbook of my wedding
25. paint a mural in each of my children's bedrooms
26. make more than just a surviving income
27. design my wedding cake
28. enroll son and or daughter in ballet
29. sew an entire outfit
30. be a loyal spouse
31. complete a painting larger than myself
32. learn to salsa w my partner
33. invest in green contacts
34. make a fountain
35. steal a road sign w my name on it
36. ride an elephant
37. cook family breakfast every Sunday morning (kids choice)
38. own a king size bed after marriage
39. mermaid photoshoot
40. become a mother
41. get married
42. take a picture of my art hanging in someone's home
43. write a letter to the editor
44. be a mother my children WANT to talk to
45. plant a tree
46. never have in my posession a credit card
47. learn to balance a check book
48. make a drunken speech at a friend's wedding
49. become CPR certified
50. kiss and touch my lover everday we're together
51. be someone's hero

52. attend a phantom of the opera musical

learn as you grow

A few things I have learned:

I know that please, thank you and hello are more than just casual words and should be used much more genuinly, as well as often.
I am infact capable of using my fork and knife in unison.
Whining doesn't get anyone far in life without a pussy whipped man toy.
No place is a great place without good company and good food.
Unless you're a doctor or working for NASA it's not what you know, it's who you know.
Passion > a Paycheck